ICIS Education Plan

Space Preservation Treaty Conference: Produce and convene an international Space Preservation Treaty Conference to facilitate bringing world leaders together to sign and ratify the Space Preservation Treaty that will ban all space-based weapons, permanently terminate the research and development, testing, manufacturing, production and deployment of all space-based weapons, prohibit the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit, allow for continued space R&D and exploration of a non-space-based weapons nature, and to establish an international outer space peacekeeping agency to monitor outer space and enforce the ban.

Space Preservation World Movement: Produce a space preservation world movement to educate decision makers, the public and media about the urgency, feasibility, and benefits of banning all space-based weapons, permanently terminating the research and development, testing, manufacturing, production and deployment of all space-based weapons, of prohibiting the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit, of allowing continued space civil, commercial, and defense R&D and exploration of a non-space-based weapons nature, and of the establishment of an international outer space peacekeeping agency that will monitor outer space and enforce the ban in 2004-5 while to continuing world cooperation in space.

Educational Materials:

a) Provide space preservation educational materials including internet and website information, tapes, DVDs, CDs and Videos, sample letters, presentations, etc, to educate about this critical issue and the once-in-a-lifetime chance and actions being taken to ban space-based weapons and to preserve space for peaceful R&D, exploration, and applications on earth without space-based weapons.

b) Organize space preservation meetings among reps of NASA and other international space agencies and space organizations, and in the military industrial lab university intelligence government Complex, with decision makers, NGO's, and experts and individuals to identify what IS in space and what CAN BE in space of a non-weapons civil, commercial, entrepreneurial and military nature and how that can provide solutions to urgent human, energy, sustainable development and environmental problems, stimulate the economy and marketplace with jobs and profits based on the R&D of clean and safe technology, products and services that will enhance worldwide communication and information sharing to bring the world together in a new cooperative world security system.

c) Provide space preservation media outreach

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