Space Preservation Talking Points


The Space Preservation Treaty, which incorporates the best language and intention of previous space treaties and treaty proposals including the ABM Treaty, the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, and the companion Space Preservation Act, HR 3657 (initiated by Congressman Dennis Kucinich) is ready to be signed by world leaders into world law at the Space Preservation Treaty-signing Conference. This Treaty and Act will do the following:

Prohibit the research and development (R&D), testing, manufacturing, production and deployment of space-based weapons and systems, and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit (i.e. satellites). This prohibits the introduction of all operational weapons in space, and the escalation of war on earth from space and in space.

Permit space exploration, R&D, testing, manufacturing, production and deployment of civil commercial and defense activities (including communication, navigation, surveillance, reconnaissance, early warning or remote sensing-including asteroid and comet hazard mitigation) that is not related to space-based weapons or systems.

Transform the war industry into a space industry and other industries by removing the mandate to weaponize space while simultaneously allowing the inexorably linked military-industrial-entrepreneurial-lab-university-intelligence-NASA (and other space agencies and organizations)-government(s) complex to continue to expand into space, but without space-based weapons.

Stimulate a new economic stimulus package based on creating a new marketplace as we evolve from earth into space generating more jobs and education/training programs, and more contracts and profits than during any hot or cold wartime. Space R&D and exploration programs are the foundation for a win-win platform that is feasible and realistic, and that will produce clean and safe Space Age technology, products and services that will be applied, with focus and intention, directly to solving urgent and potential problems of human needs, new energy, and a sustainable environment and development. This will transform the war-based economy, industry and mindset into a Space Age economy, industry, and mindset, creating a new Space Age paradigm vision of what IS and CAN BE.

Build a strong national and global defense and security system based on bringing the world, including “adversaries” with different cultures and perspectives, together for benefits all will reap as the world’s leaders commit to cooperation and healthy competition through agreements to 1) ban all space-based weapons and 2) apply civil, commercial, military/defense, and entrepreneurial Space Age technology and information services to enhance worldwide cooperation in communication and information exchanges about all vital issues of human needs, new energy, and our environment. Space-based technology will no longer be used as "force multipliers” to enhance war capabilities but will now be used to observe earth so that we can preserve our common environment and protect all life, to see where the sick waters are so we can clean them up, to see where suffering people are so troops can be sent in with food, medical supplies, clean water systems and alternative energy sources, to use satellite programs to provide education (healthcare, etc.) to eliminate poverty and suffering. Security will be based on respect for our unity and diversity, with compassion for everyone on a different place on life’s path, and on coming together so that all will reap the abundance of benefits and opportunities that will better life as we recognize we are an interconnected earth-in-space species in the universe. Peace on Earth as it is in Space = real security.

Provide a new role for the military and military budgets, and for corporations and corporate profits, while reforming and improving intelligence and defense departments in order to focus their R&D, technology, applications and information services on protecting humanity, producing new energy and life saving resources, and preserving our environment - a whole new Space Age way of thinking. The militarization of space has occurred, but not the weaponization of space. The militarization of space is and must be different from that of earth…there are no operational space-based weapons…there is only cooperation in space and that will be preserved by the Act and Treaty. We oppose the weaponization of space. This Treaty simply removes the mandate to weaponize space, and identifies the beginnings of a new role for the militaries. A new way of thinking and acting will emerge as humans evolve into space at peace. As the ban on space-based weapons becomes law, humans can evolve and transition into a new and feasible vision that will replace the war industry and the old mindset of war with a space industry and a concept of eliminating war and developing peace and real security with the militaries, with the corporations, with all peoples in the Space Age, using Space Age technology and information to bring the world together without weapons…in space! This paves the way to peace on earth

Verify and enforce agreements, because when the first twenty U.N. Member Nations sign and ratify this World Space Preservation Treaty it will become world law and an important new entity will be formed: world cooperative Outer Space Peacekeeping Agency will be established and equipped to monitor outer space and enforce the space-based weapons ban. This same Space Age equipment will be applied with intention not to enhance war fighting capabilities even under the guise or calling it “defense,” but instead to verify agreements including the reduction and elimination of missiles (thus eliminating the need for “missile defense”), nuclear weapons, and other dangerous weapons, toxins and polluting technology.

Free budgets, brains, hearts and souls to live, work, and travel joyfully together on earth, as well as peacefully in space, while creating space habitats, schools, hotels, resorts, farms, labs, industries, elevators, and craft instead of currently planned space-based battle stations, pop-up and space-based weapons, and space flying shooters and bombers. IMAGINE, instead, by putting this lid on the war industry, imagine happy healthy lives filled with culture, music and the arts. We CAN evolve our intelligence, think and act in the context of a new Space Age paradigm, with understanding, compassion, peace and justice for all, and with respect for our diversity and different perspectives, while acknowledging our interconnectedness, with a love and caring that will provide a wonderful, healthy future for our children, for all the children and their children…and for all life, for all that is sacred.

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